Community Affairs

Public Affairs Officers work within the community by assessing situations and utilizing various resources to solve problems. Through analysis, the Officer discovers why recurring incidents keep happening. The specific needs of citizens are more personally addressed through problem solving. Referrals are given to the Unit by their fellow officers. Referrals include pre-delinquent counseling for parents and their children, elderly, problems in the neighborhood, etc.

In conjunction with neighborhood watch, a police officer will go to the home of any Ballwin resident and recommend safety measures aimed at helping secure their home from a possible break-in. On request, surveys are also conducted in businesses in order to point out security improvements needed to avoid a crime being committed against them. These crimes include burglary, robbery, and shoplifting. Literature describing various drugs and their effects are distributed upon request, and a police officer will speak to groups concerning current drug problems and possible solutions.

This program is conducted in conjunction with Neighborhood Watch. Engravers are available, on loan, from the Police Department to citizens so they can mark their valuables. This helps deter theft and aids in recovery of property if stolen. 

 In Safe Hands

The Ballwin police department has a program called “In Safe Hands”. The program is designed to help us reunite special needs individuals with their families when they wander away from their residences. These special needs residents include but are not limited to Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Downs syndrome and stroke victims. There are no age restrictions but the individual must be a resident of Ballwin or Manchester to participate and of course the program is free.
To download a registration form click here, please return the form to the Ballwin police department. If you need more information or have any questions, please call the Community Affairs department Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm at 636-207-2351.

AARP Drivers' Safety Program

The Ballwin Police Department periodically hosts the AARP’s DRIVER’S SAFETY PROGRAM (formerly 55-Alive) at our municipal golf course located at 333 Holloway Road.  The program will cover the effect of aging on a person’s eyesight, hearing and reaction times and their effect on the ability to drive safely.  The program will also offer ways to cope with these challenges.  Persons attending the program may be eligible for insurance premium discounts with some companies.

The program is offered several times throughout the year.  Please watch the city website and local news sources for the next available date.

Class size is limited to 30 people age 55 or older.  You can register by calling Charlene Wall @ 636-498-9255.

Caring Partners Program

The Ballwin Police Department operates a service to our older residents and those in poor health that live alone. Enrolled residents receive a daily phone call at their specified time. If the call is not answered, police are sent to the residence to check the welfare of the participant. Elderly or disabled residents, or family members of such, are encouraged to take advantage of the free service and fill out the brief form. Enrollment forms can be obtained in person at the Ballwin Police Station, on the city’s website by clicking here, by calling Ballwin Communications at (636) 227-2941, or by contacting the Ballwin Community Affairs Unit:
Officer Jenna Christian (636) 207-2318
This program is also available to Manchester and Winchester residents as a result of the ongoing police partnership with the Ballwin Police Department.

Neighborhood Watch

Subdivisions are given training on how to spot suspicious persons and vehicles, how to secure their own homes, and how to keep and help protect their neighbor's property.

Benefits of a Neighborhood Watch Program:

Creates a greater sense of security, well being, and a reduction of fear of crime, due to neighbors "watching out" for each other.
You are taught how to take preventive measures that substantially decrease the likelihood of becoming a crime victim.
Posting Neighborhood Watch signs on your street(s) tells criminals that you are not an easy target; that they are probably being watched; and you have taken the necessary steps to deter crime.

As a community you’ll join together to have the stepping-stones needed to get things done.
If you would like more information on how to start your own Neighborhood Watch Program, please contact The Ballwin Police Community Affairs Division at  (636) 207-2318 or (636) 227-2579. The Police Department also offers free home security checks to residents.


The Ballwin Police Department would like to introduce a new community program: Ballwin Awareness Safety Emblem (B.A.S.E.). This is a FREE and voluntary program for residents. It is to assist first responders in knowing someone resides within the residence with a potential impairment.
What is the purpose of the sticker?
The purpose is to alert first responders prior to contact, to attempt an increase of effectiveness of an interaction between the citizens.
Who qualifies?
Residents within the city limits of Ballwin Police Department’s patrol area. The resident has a serious medical condition or impairment.
Where to place the sticker?
The window sticker is designed to be placed on the front window of your house. If placed in a vehicle, it should be placed on the rear window.
Will the color codes be available to the public?
For the safety and security of participants, the color codes will only be known to local first responders. The impairments will not be listed for the public. If you are interested feel free to contact us, and we will let you know.  Contact Officer Shannon Schaper at 636-227-2579 or