The Pointe Fitness Blog

Oct 31, 2019

Diabetes Prevention Program at The Pointe

Diabetes is a complicated disease that can affect multiple systems in the body. It is characterized by an irregularity with the body’s natural insulin system. Insulin is a necessary substance that allows cells to absorb glucose(sugar), the cells main source of energy. When the insulin system is not working properly, cells cannot take up energy and the bloodstream is overloaded with glucose. Complications resulting from diabetes may include heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, nervous system disease, and other complications. The best course of action is prevention. In 2015 over 84 million Americans age 18 and over were considered pre-diabetic with over 23 million of those age 65 and older. The cost of treatment and lost productivity due to diabetes eclipsed $300 billion in 2017. This, of course, catches the eyes of insurance providers. The Point is teaming up with HabitNu to offer a diabetes prevention program. The program is a Centers for Disease Control approved program. It is available FREE to Medicare eligible individuals. 
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Oct 1, 2019

October 2019 Member of the Month: Doug Baltz

Joining in 1996, Doug is a charter member of The Pointe at Ballwin Commons. He even has a ceremonial brick in the facility’s courtyard to prove it. Doug holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work and throughout his counseling career he worked with kids and teens in psychiatric and educational settings. He has retired from formal social work, but continues to try to help provide youth with positive experiences and enjoys keeping in contact with some of those he has met along the way. This dedication and background gives Doug an appreciation of The Pointe and the parks and recreation programs offered in Ballwin.
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Sep 30, 2019

Breaking Down the Dad Bod

As men reach middle age, there are physiological and behavioral factors that lead to something called Dad Bod. All sources credit Mackenzie Pearson with publishing the term in 2015 in an online essay entitled, “Why Girls Love the Dad Bod”. By now, most readers know the term, Dad Bod. In short, it describes a male that may be slightly overweight, but it has more to do with body fat percentage… that works out, but doesn’t have the muscle tone of a professional athlete.
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Aug 30, 2019

Childhood Obesity

Obesity is a topic that arises anytime lifestyle related health issues are discussed. The correlation between obesity and high cost disease such as Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Disease is irrefutable. When looking into the numbers of childhood obesity, specifically, it is clear that obesity is not just an adult health problem. That may not be a surprise, but this discussion has persisted for many years among the health and wellness industry while the statistics worsen. The question is, “Why?”
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Aug 30, 2019

September 2019 Member of the Month: Matthew McRoy

Matthew and his family have been members for about four years, but he has been coming to The Pointe since he was in middle school. He is currently a junior at Maryville University majoring in Cyber Security getting real life experience in the field at Maryville’s Cyber Fusion Center.
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Aug 1, 2019

August 2019 Member of the Month: Jo Jo Chavez

Jo Jo moved to the St. Louis area about 10 years ago in search of work. The past 3 years he has worked for Circle 7 Taphouse and Grill in Ballwin. Working in a customer service industry, Jo Jo’s personality is a great quality. As he puts it, he must have “a face that says come talk to me”. He also enjoys giving his free time as a volunteer. He explains that one of the best gifts he can give to others is his time. He likes to find new ways to give to the community here and his community in Mexico. Another quality of his includes finding new interests. Jo Jo is a self taught artist (painter) and enjoys practicing piano. (The next time his face says ‘come talk to me’, ask about his art… really is impressive.)
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Aug 1, 2019

Ballwin Wellness... Did You Know?

The Ballwin Parks and Recreation department is dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyles. The facilities, alone, are excellent outlets for physical activity. The Pointe at Ballwin Commons, North Pointe Aquatic Center, Ballwin Golf Club, and featured parks all give the community ways to stay active. But did you know about some of the following programs?
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Jul 3, 2019

A New View on Resistance Training

Pointe personal trainer, Lucy Hey, is the guest author for this month’s installment. The following summarizes Metabolic Effects of Resistance Training (Zachary Mang, MS, Amber Logan, Fabiano T. Amorim, PhD, Len Kravitz, PhD), an article from the May 2019 ACE Fitness Journal.
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Jul 3, 2019

July 2019 Member of the Month

Tracy and her husband, Kevin, moved to the St. Louis area in 1996. They have a passion for music and met 10 years earlier while playing in a jazz band. As a professional musician, Tracy played woodwind and percussion with traveling musicals and now continues to play and repair instruments through her business, The Baroque Instrument Shop. Shortly after their move, Tracy began to feel the affects of what was eventually diagnosed as neuropathy. This diagnosis and the leg pain and instability that comes with it caused Tracy to become inactive. This was a major change as she not only was active, but was a competitive swimmer reaching peak success as an alternate for the 1984 Olympic swim team.
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May 31, 2019

Posture Practice

“Stand up straight” and “don’t slouch in your chair” are a couple of phrases you may have heard in your youth. At the time, of course, you hadn’t a second thought about how you stood or sat. As time goes on these everyday activities, if done incorrectly, can result in back or neck pain.
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May 31, 2019

June 2019 Member of the Month: Susannah Gill

Susannah and her family moved to Ballwin about seven years ago from Chicago to be closer to family. Her family joined The Pointe within the first year after the move and have been members ever since.
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May 1, 2019

May 2019 Member of the Month: Charlie Combs

Charlie is a member through the SilverSneakers program for which The Pointe is a provider. He has been a regular patron for several years and usually is in six times per week. He gives credit to his late wife, Judy, for encouraging him to join and stay active.
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