The Pointe Fitness Blog

Jun 1, 2020

Time to Take Control

Discussions on disease has focused almost solely on communicable disease over the past several months. It is important to be reminded of just how devastating non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are, particularly in the United States. The numbers are staggering and most importantly, much of what will follow is preventable. 
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Apr 30, 2020

Spring Clean Your Workouts

Spring cleaning metaphors are abundant this time of year. It’s time to clear out the debris, get organized, and focus. Let’s dig into this metaphor and look at ways to spring clean your workout routine.
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Apr 1, 2020

Home Sweat Home

Home activities have become the theme in 2020. No matter what type of activities (work, social, recreation), finding ways to perform them from home is currently the ‘new norm’. Exercising from home has always been a topic of interest, but primarily for time management reasons. Now, exercising from home has become even more important than ever. 
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Feb 28, 2020

March 2020 Member of the Month: Alex Burch

Alex has been a consistent member of The Pointe since 2014. Before that he recalls using The Pointe in middle school under his family’s membership. And before that he recalls taking swimming lessons at the Ballwin outdoor pool before North Pointe was built. Alex has practically been a lifelong patron of Ballwin Parks and Recreation facilities.
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Feb 28, 2020

Exorcise, Then Exercise

March marks a pivotal moment in your fitness New Year’s resolution. It is the time of year when fitness centers begin to thin out and the regulars breathe a sigh of relief because all the newbies are giving up. This year why not become one of the regulars? Exorcise those thoughts of “I can’t keep this up”, “I don’t have the time”, or “I’m not getting the results I expected, so why waste my time?” This is your first quarter pep talk. Here are some tips to exorcise those negative thoughts and keep your resolution going so you can make jokes about New Year’s newbies instead of being the joke.
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Feb 6, 2020

February 2020 Member of the Month: Donna Roder

Donna has been a member of The Pointe since the summer of 2001! Needless to say, she is a worthy member of the month candidate. She originally sought out a facility that she and her family could grow with. She remembers her 6am workouts upon first joining. This routine has since evolved into a later morning start, but she hasn’t let her fitness habits waiver.
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Feb 4, 2020

Take The Leap

Taking a leap generally refers to making a significant change regardless of potential negative consequences. When making a change to your lifestyle to better your health, taking a leap certainly applies, but what about negative consequences? There are still some perceptions of exercise that spawn the attitude of ‘it’s not worth it’. Exploring the potential negatives of exercise (and then immediately using logic and common sense to dispose of those concerns) is a friendly reminder of how important it is to take the leap.
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Dec 30, 2019

January 2020 Member of the Month: Don Lucas

Don has been a faithful, consistent member of The Pointe for about five years. He grew up in Ballwin and is a 1978 graduate of Lafayette High School. Before joining The Pointe, he had been attending another fitness center for about three years. In that eight year span he has lost a considerable amount of weight and had one knee replaced (with the other imminent). The draw to The Pointe for Don is primarily the facility amenities. Don’s routine includes swimming laps in the pool and using the hot tub early in the morning, then heading up to the fitness center to finish off by using an elliptical trainer, bike, track, and strength circuit. Don makes it in at least four days per week and is able to dedicate three hours to his Pointe routine. He is impressed with the facility’s equipment maintenance and cleanliness. In addition to his fitness routine, he likes bringing his grandson in for the recreation pool.
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Dec 30, 2019

Foresight is 2020

Every year resolutions are made. For 2020 why not make a prediction?  Be a Nostradomus for your health. A resolution is simply a statement. A prediction, on the other hand, creates a mystical tone that can inspire you to bring that prophecy into existence. Anyone can state they are planning to complete a task. When it comes to bettering your health, it’s not a single task. It is the accumulation of small tasks performed over and over to attain improved health and then maintaining it. Let’s touch on some daily tasks necessary to be healthier in 2020.
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Dec 2, 2019

December 2019 Members of the Month: Keeven Family

The Keeven family have been regular Pointe patrons for over 20 years. Pictured from left to right are Josh, Weston, Reilly, Ella, and Shanta (Shanta’s husband, Jim, is not pictured). Josh is new to fatherhood (contrats!), a Purdue graduate in Mechanical Engineering, and is currently a First Lieutenant Combat Engineer in the USMC. Stationed at Camp Pendleton, he enjoys surfing when he has time. Reilly is a Junior at Purdue studying Mechanical Engineering. He is currently in the NROTC Marine Corps at Purdue. Coincidentally, he also enjoys surfing when he gets to visit Josh in California. Weston is a Sophomore at Purdue also studying Mechanical Engineering. He, too, enjoys surfing during visits with his brother, but also has a passion for Texas hold’em and enjoys playing that with friends. Ella is currently in seventh grade at Selvidge Middle School. Her busy schedule includes basketball, volleyball, and soccer club teams. Now that she is old enough to take advantage of The Pointe Fitness Center, Ella says that is what she likes most about The Pointe. Shanta is a familiar face in the fitness area, but also loves volleyball and plays in The Pointe’s Co-Ed volleyball league. Although Jim doesn’t make it to The Pointe very often, he is also very active and enjoys outdoor projects to stay active.
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Dec 2, 2019

'Tis the Season to be Selfish?

The holiday season is about giving. It is a time when selfless acts and generous gifts are exchanged among family and friends. This time of the year is truly a magical season to show appreciation for others. But what about the empaths out there whose altruistic ways are a year round quest…….or burden? What about those that spend so much of their time either actively giving or worrying about others? Is this done at the expense of their own well-being? The constant concern for everyone else sounds stressful, but how does it really affect health?
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Nov 5, 2019

November 2019 Member of the Month: Kris Kimerle

Kris and her family have been members of The Pointe for 20 years. She and her husband of 28 years, Jon, began using Ballwin’s recreation facilities as an outlet for their kids, twins now 23 years old. Kris is very busy with work as a realtor in the west county area and has recently added wedding planning to her hectic schedule. Her daughter, Leah, is to be married in the Spring of 2020. Congratulations, Leah! 
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