The Pointe Fitness Blog

May 28, 2021

And the Great Carbohydrate Debate Goes On

May’s Pointe Fitness Newsletter discussed body weight and its level of importance in predicting health. The conclusion was that body weight is not necessarily a measure of health, but we shouldn’t allow that to excuse us from healthy behavior. The correlation between overweightness/obesity and quality of health in our population is undeniable. This brings us to the great carbohydrate debate and the macronutrient’s importance in weight gain/loss.
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Apr 29, 2021

Does Body Weight Really Matter?

Body weight and health is a relationship that will forever be discussed. Overweight/obesity = unhealthy, right? Hopping on the scale and seeing a specific number, whether ‘good’ or ‘bad’, is a quick and easy way many of us define our level of health. We have been conditioned to obsess over the number on the scale. Does that number really matter when it comes to how healthy we are? Yours truly believes the answer is no... and... yes.
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Mar 29, 2021

Follow Science & Spring Into Action

Spring is all about new beginnings. The past year has been nothing short of frustrating when it comes to your desire to go out and do… well… almost anything. This spring has the promise of truly being a new beginning as conditions improve and restrictions potentially loosen. The link between our health, and actively doing versus not doing, is undeniable. The importance of disease prevention through doing physical activity, needs to be highlighted. It is time to spring into action and promote exercise science.
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Feb 25, 2021

In Like A Lion!... How To Use Your Personality

March weather has been known to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb. There are plenty of us that have experienced this with our health and wellness behavior. At first, intentions are so strong that regular workouts and being extremely conscientious of meals is the approach. This puts you first and in control (in charge). As time goes by, this approach may lessen to the point of failing to reach and maintain goals. Lion personalities are associated with courage, strength, bravery, and leadership. Lamb personalities are associated with loyalty, empathy, and indecisiveness. A negative connotation even describes lambs as weak. This goes a bit far as all personalities can adapt their strengths to succeed in health and wellness goals. There are five primary personality traits known as the “Big 5.” As we review these traits, and how to take advantage of them in achieving improved health and wellness, you may notice them in yourself and you are likely a mix of more than one.
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Jan 29, 2021

Matters of the Heart

Matters of the heart is a popular phrase used for movie titles, song titles, and generally anything involving love and romance. February is American Heart Month, so let’s focus on love, but not traditional romantic relationships. Love you have for yourself and how it can influence your own life and others’ lives is an important part of health and wellness. 
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Dec 30, 2020

A New Year With New Exercise Guidelines

The World Health Organization (WHO) just released new guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behavior. The WHO has been quite popular this past year with mixed public reactions on its various guidelines. I’m here to tell you that no matter your current opinion or feelings about the WHO, the organization got it right on these new exercise guidelines.
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Dec 1, 2020

Do You Tier What I Tier?

Fitness enthusiasts are always looking for new ways to challenge themselves. Tier System Strength Training is yet another way to do so. The great thing about this method is that it can be adapted to a variety of ability levels. Tier training isn’t just for the experienced enthusiast or athlete, but its origins are in elite athlete training.
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Oct 29, 2020

The Greatness of Gratitude

Common courtesy is something that should be learned from an early age and continually practiced. One aspect of common courtesy is being thankful. More than making one a better, more personable human, being thankful can enhance health. As you might assume, the health benefits from gratitude are rooted in psychological health. An improved mental state, however, does spill over into physical health.
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Oct 1, 2020

Happy Walktober!

Walking is one of the basic modes of exercise without equipment. When the weather is cool, there is no better time to enjoy a brisk walk. Physical activity of any kind, including walking, has many benefits. Designing a walking program and realizing its benefits versus other modes of exercise might help you decide to go for that brisk walk when you can’t get to the gym.
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Aug 31, 2020

Cancel Stress, Not Your Health

As 2020 rolls on, more and more things are being cancelled. Things, in a ‘normal’ year, that would remove us from reality even for a brief moment are missing. Entertainment outlets of all kinds have vanished. These are not just fun things to do every now and then, they are essential in relieving stress. Not only have these types of stress releases been taken away, they have been replaced with additional stressors. Anxiety over the “Big C”, families and schools adapting to a new/temporary way of education, everyone adjusting to rules and regulations that are ever changing, and the financial strains many are experiencing are just a few. There is no other way to put it…...stress has been amplified. Although much of what relieves our stress levels is being cancelled, don’t cancel your health. There are ways to improve attitude and decrease stress all while improving physical health.
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Aug 1, 2020

Conspicuousness of Consistency

When it comes to exercise, fitness, active lifestyles, or any other way one would describe taking care of our bodies through physical activity, consistency is the most imperative factor. Consistently performing the behavior is only one aspect. What the behavior should literally consist of in the way of specific exercises and intensity is a secondary factor that can cloud the picture for some. 
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Jun 29, 2020

Exercise for Extremists

Before you get too excited (or disappointed) about this month’s installment, it is not about the latest extreme sports. The age of social media has validated what we have known about humanity since the dawn of time…...everyone has an opinion. It has also confirmed that opinions, many times, differ to the point of blinding one’s ability to consider the ideas of others. Welcome to the world of extremism. The good news is exercise belongs in the lives of every person. No opinion or philosophy can refute the benefits of exercise.
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