Medical fitness is not a new concept. It is gaining traction, but still lags behind what the masses envision when we hear the word, fitness.
In recognition of daylight savings (which is on November 6…..don’t forget!), finding ways to turn back the clock with fitness can, literally, turn back your internal clock.
In the world of fitness, there is no lack of influencers, known as Fitfluencers, sharing their opinions and promoting products for companies. But there are some cautionary tales to be aware of.
A term trending these days is “Quiet Quitting”. For those that haven’t heard of this, it is an approach taken in the workplace. Essentially it is doing the minimum to stay employed.
The “Just Do It” motto is a great motivator for many that are ready to do. There are two primary halves of taking action, however.
A healthy lifestyle has its inevitable ebbs and flows. You can find innumerous books and articles about how to get back in the flow during the ebbs. Beyond that, there are even psychological studies attempting to explain lapses in healthy lifestyle practices
The National Recreation and Park Association declares the second Saturday of June as Family Health and Wellness Day. That falls on June 11 this year.
Now that I have your attention with this month’s seemingly callous title, let’s dig into the reality of heart related health. Our bodies’ functions are all affected by how we choose to live.
Leadership qualities are commonly applied to workplace scenarios. Some of those qualities can also be applied to yourself in ways to improve your health. In the spirit of April Fool’s Day, apply these qualities to help you avoid playing the fool with your health.
With March being National Nutrition Month in this country, let’s attempt to clear up the differences between a dietitian and a nutritionist. If you just asked yourself, “There is a difference?”, then this information is for you. Depending on your health needs, perspective, and opinion on regulation, this may help you decide on who to seek for help with your specific nutrition habits and needs.
Economically, we are in the midst of the Great Resignation at the workplace. A MIT research group recently assembled data and came up with its top five reasons for the phenomenon. After reading through them, they make a good analogy to health behavior. If one of these reasons hits home with you, use it as motivation to avoid attrition to your health.
A New Year with old resolutions is here. Improving health through exercise and diet, or some variation of that, is an old stand by and always makes the top ten list of New Year’s resolutions. Of course, anyone can make a resolution. The key is to actually follow through. For most of us, improving health requires a balanced approach versus an “all-in” approach. Going to extremes can result in obsessive behavior, contradicting the resolution’s sole purpose. Be aware of signs to avoid a bad obsession in improving health.