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August 2019 Member of the Month: Jo Jo Chavez

Aug 1, 2019 | The Pointe

Jo Jo moved to the St. Louis area about 10 years ago in search of work. The past 3 years he has worked for Circle 7 Taphouse and Grill in Ballwin. Working in a customer service industry, Jo Jo’s personality is a great quality. As he puts it, he must have “a face that says come talk to me”. He also enjoys giving his free time as a volunteer. He explains that one of the best gifts he can give to others is his time. He likes to find new ways to give to the community here and his community in Mexico. Another quality of his includes finding new interests. Jo Jo is a self taught artist (painter) and enjoys practicing piano. (The next time his face says ‘come talk to me’, ask about his art… really is impressive.)

Jo Jo has been a member since March of 2017. He chose The Pointe due to the location convenience and found that he likes the atmosphere over some other fitness centers that may be a little more intimidating. He has met a lot of other members and thinks everyone is very nice, adding to the atmosphere..

One feature of The Pointe, the free weight area, is where he spends a lot of his time. He likes how things are simple and he can come up with creative ways to work different muscle groups versus a vast amount of stations lined up which can be overwhelming.

Jo Jo added physical fitness to his lifestyle previously as a competitive runner (half marathon distance), but due to a knee issue has focused more on strength training. He wants to send a message of continued inner strength and motivation to fellow members. After his running days were reduced, he experienced weight gain that he noticed but that was also pointed out by friends. It was this teasing he endured that he overcame, got back at it, and to the physical condition he is now.


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