Latest News11.9.18 Ballwin seeking to fill vacancies on resident committees
The City of Ballwin is seeking to fill four vacancies on resident committees. The Planning and Zoning Commission has two vacancies to fill; one from Ward 1 and one from Ward 3. The Board of Adjustment has two vacancies to fill which are at large openings. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the openings please contact Mayor Tim Pogue or Assistant City Administrator Andy Hixson. A bit about the Planning and Zoning Commission: The Planning and Zoning Commission is a ten-member board, appointed by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Its principal responsibilities are: consideration of changes to the Zoning Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan and zoning map, and review of petitions for Special Use Exceptions. A public hearing is held and recommendations on such matter (findings) are then passed on to the Board of Aldermen for final consideration. A bit about the Board of Adjustment: This Board is charged with the responsibility of reviewing appeals from private citizens regarding the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance, Housing Code and Building Code as they apply to unique circumstance of individual properties.
**Update as of 12/17/18 One vacancy remains from Ward 3 for the Planning and Zoning Commission and one at large vacancy remains on the Board of Adjustment.