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5.15.18 Board Meeting Recap

A Ballwin Board of Aldermen meeting was held on Monday, May 14, 2018 at 7 p.m. A few highlights from the meeting are below as selected by staff. Official meeting minutes will be posted upon approval after the next Board of Aldermen meeting, at which time this page will be updated.

  1. A big thank you is in order for Ballwin’s Finance Department. A p­­resentation of the 2017 audit was given by Hochschild, Bloom & Company accounting firm showing another clean audit report. This confirms the great work done daily in that department.
  2. New Legislation
  • A recent public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission resulted in a recommendation to the Board of Aldermen to approve a lot split. Bill No. 3992 passed, allowing a lot split at 15225 and 15233 Manchester Road.
  1. Consent Items
  • After additional details on the purchase of three truck bodies for the Public Works Department, all consent items passed unanimously, which also included submitted applications for liquor license renewals, and a liquor license for Bonhomme Lions for Ballwin Days.
  1. Mayor’s Report
  • Mayor Tim Pogue appointed three residents Mike Utt, Lisa Zimmerman, and Lynn Goetz to the Planning and Zoning Commission. He also appointed Alderman Finley as the alderman representative for the commission.
  1. City Administrator’s Report:
  • City Administrator Eric Hanson reported on the street assessment recently completed in-house by members of Ballwin’s Public Works Department. Completing this project in-house resulted in significant cost savings for the City.
  • City Administrator Hanson also reported the City has received full approval to proceed with the Ries Bridge replacement project. The road will close May 23. Residents can find more information this week on the City of Ballwin’s website.
  • City Administrator Hanson reminded the board and residents of the community open house happening Tuesday, May 15 at the golf course from 5-7:30 p.m. The goal of the event is to gather resident input for the comprehensive planning process.
  1. Staff Reports:
  • Director of Parks and Recreation Linda Bruer made a recommendation to hire DG2 Design to conduct the Parks Master Plan. Seven companies submitted and four were interviewed by a panel of employees. The board voted in favor to move forward with staff’s recommendation.
  • Chief Kevin Scott explained that the Ballwin Police Department budgeted to replace two electronic message sign boards in 2018 with Prop P funds. Only one bid was received which came in under budget. The board approved moving forward with the purchase to be made from Traffic Control Company.

The Board is now on a modified summer schedule, meaning there will only be one meeting each month. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 25 at 7 p.m.

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