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4.10.18 Board Meeting Recap

A Ballwin Board of Aldermen meeting was held on Monday, April 9, 2018 at 7 p.m. A few highlights from the meeting are below as selected by staff. Official meeting minutes will be posted upon approval after the next Board of Aldermen meeting, at which time this post will be updated.

  1. Consent Items:
  • The Ries and the Ramsey bridge replacement projects were recently bid together. The lowest combined bidder came in more than $214,000 under budget. The Board approved moving forward with KCI Construction, the lowest bidder. Although the projects were bid together, the bridges will be completed one at a time. A construction schedule will be announced soon.
  1. Mayor’s Report:
  • Mayor Pogue recognized Local Government Week (April 9-13) and thanked staff for all they do. He also recognized seven high school residents who were nominated for the US Presidential Scholar Program:

Caroline R. Farroll, Ballwin - Cor Jesu Academy
John “Jack” Krudop, Ballwin - Marquette HS
Michelle Li, Ballwin - Marquette HS
Rithik C. Reddy, Ballwin - Lafayette HS
Rachel P. Wang, Ballwin - Parkway South HS
Michael S. Wu, Ballwin - Marquette HS
Emily A. Xu, Ballwin - Parkway South HS

  • Mayor Pogue also recommended preparing for the summer schedule to take effect in which the board will meet only once each month. The modified summer meeting dates are as follows: May 14, June 25, July 23, August 27.
  1. City Administrator’s Report:
  • City Administrator Eric Hanson gave a report on the results of the recent bid opening for the new city hall building. He mentioned the very favorable bidding climate helped the project come in almost $400,000 under budget for construction and material testing.
  • The combined lower bid amount will mean the City can pay cash for the whole project without needing to finance any aspect—including the addition of the new board room.
  • A resolution was passed unanimously by the Board to execute an agreement with K&S Associates, Inc. (the lowest bidder) for the construction of the new Ballwin City Hall. Ground breaking will occur in the near future.
  • A second resolution was unanimously accepted for the City to execute an agreement with SCI Engineering, Inc. for construction material testing and special inspections for the city hall project.
  1. Staff Reports:
  • Superintendent of Streets Jim Link requested to purchase 3 new trucks. Ongoing issues with the Ford trucks from the state bid led staff to look elsewhere. So the City went out to bid and received four bids from dealers. The Board approved the purchase to be made to South County Dodge.
  • Superintendent Link also reported only one bid was received to furnish cement for the City’s concrete production operation. The board agreed to award the contract to the only bidder, Continental Cement Company.

The next board of Aldermen meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 23, 2018 at 7 p.m.

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