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3.27.18 Board Meeting Recap

A Ballwin Board of Aldermen meeting was held on Monday, March 26, 2018 at 7 p.m. A few highlights from the meeting are below as selected by staff. Official meeting minutes will be posted upon approval after the next Board of Aldermen meeting, at which time this post will be updated.

  1. Bill No. 3989 became ordinance 18-03 to update Ballwin’s codes related to dangerous buildings and procedures for abatement. City Attorney Jones presented his recommendation for the changes which was unanimously approved by the board. Attorney Jones reported the new sections incorporate the state statute and sets the conditions for how an inspector can define a dangerous building. The required posting on the building has also been removed as it’s not required.
  2. Approved Consent Items:
  • A Ballwin business (Sky Music Lounge) recently changed owners, and a request was made to transfer the liquor license to the new partial owner.
  • Four new 2018 Ford Utility AWD Explorers will be added to the Ballwin Police fleet. Bids for the purchase came in $708 under budget. The vehicles are scheduled to be manufactured soon and delivered in April or May.
  • Ballwin staff recently opened bids for pool chemicals and recommended awarding the contract to the lowest bidder, Hawkins Inc. The bid was awarded, not to exceed $32,000 for the year.
  • $100,388 was budgeted in 2018 to contract asphalt milling (the City purchased a paver last year so the budget also includes doing projects in-house). The contractual projects were awarded to the lowest bidder, GS Grinding Services for $64,747.50.
  • The new Next Gen 911 project means the City can relocate internet services to the Ballwin Police building. This will minimize interruptions during the move to new city hall. IT Manager Paula Reeds recommended accepting a 3 year contract for the project using ACC and Charter.
  1. City Administrator Eric Hanson reported the next step in the comprehensive planning process is selecting the Steering Committee; City Hall bids will be opened this week; and auditors began their annual review last week.
  2. Public Works Director Gary Kramer presented information about the 2018 Street Striping Bid. Three bids were received, but they came in over budget by $1,880.66. The board approved the expenditure.
  3. Aldermanic comments:
  • Alderman Finley (Ward 1) presented his research as to why it is required to host an election with only one unopposed candidate since it does cost the tax payer money to conduct. He found that only municipalities with populations under 1,000 can remove the election according to the statues of the State of Missouri.
  • Ballwin Days is quickly approaching and Alderman Bullington (Ward 4) reminds staff and residents to attend the festival and watch for volunteer opportunities as it gets closer.

The next board of Aldermen meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 9, 2018 at 7 p.m.

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