Latest NewsUpdates to Recreation Facilities Last Updated 8.25.20 Per updates provided by The St. Louis County Department of Public Health, the following changes will be made effective immediately at all city recreation facilities. Effective immediately, all individuals six (6) years or older entering into, exiting the facility, and congregating in the lobby, locker rooms, gym, pool deck, fitness center, play center, and meeting rooms must wear a mask. Admittance will not be allowed to anyone (6 years +) not wearing a mask regardless of health condition. Masks are NOT required in the water, actively playing a sport when you are physically exerting yourself, or actively exercising when you are physically exerting yourself and adequately distanced from others. Additionally, high contact sport (basketball, volleyball) games, scrimmages, and pick-up play are not allowed. Please contact the St. Louis County Department of Public Health for more information on these orders.