Latest NewsCoronavirus Update 3.19.20 Last Updated 3.19.20 We wanted to provide the community with an update on the current impact and changes to our City facilities, programs, events, and services. We have taken, and will continue to take, actions aimed at keeping our residents, business owners, community members, and City employees healthy and safe. As of now, our City facilities (excluding The Pointe at Ballwin Commons) will maintain normal hours of operation. Although we have doubled our cleaning efforts at each facility, we ask that you refrain from in-person visits unless absolutely necessary for the safety of both the general public and our City employees. If you do have to visit our Government Center, we have installed a drop box in our lobby for inspection applications and court fines in an effort to minimize public contact. Inspections are still continuing as scheduled, but PLEASE NOTE we will not be conducting inspections if you or a member of your household are experiencing symptoms or if you’re subject to a quarantine. You will need to call to reschedule. Our Public Works department will only meet with vendors and the public by appointment only. To schedule an appointment with our Public Works department, you will need to contact them directly at (636) 227-9000 option 2. In order to limit the spread of the virus, our Police Department will be suspending all fingerprinting services. We would also like to emphasize that when possible, any citizen wishing to contact a police officer should call (636) 227-9636 before arriving in our lobby to see if we can help via telephone. The PD lobby will remain open for a secure place to complete child custody exchanges and private transactions. Here are a few other changes which impact the Ballwin community.
Please understand this is an ever-changing and unprecedented public health situation. We will continue to inform you as new information becomes available or if any changes are made which directly impact the City. Our website is the best place to find up-to-date information regarding the effect of COVID-19 on City facilities, services, programs, and events. We have created a page ( where we will post all City updates as soon as they are released. Furthermore, we will continue to update our social media pages and send information through TextCaster Alerts and Email Newsletters. We understand not everyone has access to the internet. Please share this information with your friends and neighbors and encourage them to call us with any questions! Lastly, we urge you to continue to help us prevent the spread of coronavirus by remaining vigilant and taking preventative measures. Make sure you are aware of the COVID-19 preventative measures AND symptoms. Please refer to one of the following resources for more information.