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Ballwin Names Employee of the Year and Other Awards

At the Monday, February 25 Ballwin Board of Aldermen meeting, Ballwin employees were recognized for various outstanding efforts including the naming of the 2018 Michael Flamion Employee of the Year Award. The awards are detailed below including the information about the nomination for each. Please join the City of Ballwin in congratulating each and every one of these employees for their outstanding work. 

Michael Flamion Employee of the Year Award 2018:

Tony, an Army Veteran and his wife worked to bring the Flags for Forgotten Soldiers to Ballwin in order to help raise awareness of the suicide rate among military veterans. This traveling memorial was maintained for two weeks before being transferred to the next destination.

Under the leadership of Tony Ewing, employees from all departments worked together along with residents to display 660 U.S. Flags in Vlasis Park during July 2018. 

Ballwin is honored to name Anthony Ewing as the 2018 Michael Flamion Employee of the Year for his service to our country, the City of Ballwin and for bringing people together to organize this worthy cause!


Above, Tony Ewing is pictured receiving his award from Ballwin Mayor Tim Pogue. 

Above and Beyond Award Winners:

In January 2018, Ballwin resident Lois Murphy was driving to meet a friend. She noticed the Ballwin Public Works’ tree trimming crew working up ahead. As she attempted to turn around in a drive way, she found her car stuck on an inlet and unable to move it in either direction.

Ballwin employees John Lott, Shane Kelly, Andrew Noyes and Rob Viehmann jumped into action. Together, they quickly ensured Murphy was safe and then took action to get her back on the road. Fortunately, they were able to get the car off the inlet, perfectly intact and send her on her way. 

Ballwin would like to recognize John Lott, Shane Kelly and Andrew Noyes for their quick thinking and kindness to a resident in need and present them with a 2018 Above and Beyond Award. Congratulations gentlemen!

Above, employees John Lott and Shane Kelly are pictured receiving their awards from Ballwin Mayor Tim Pogue. 

Aquatic Staff Recognition

On February 4, a patron at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons, became unconscious in the hot tub. Headguard Melanie Oestreich quickly activated the facility’s Emergency Action Plan signaling to her teammates there was a medical emergency. Lifeguards Anthony Eberhardt, Ben Becker and Reid Lawson quickly took on other roles to assist Oestreich with the unconscious patron. Swim Instructor Isabella Duran also assisted in safely clearing the pool of other patrons and comforting a friend of the person involved. Aquatics Manager Liz Renaud promptly called 911 and communicated with Metro West EMS who arrived within minutes.
“We are extremely grateful for the professionalism shown by the staff at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons, stated Deputy Chief Medical Officer Brad Shelton of the Metro West Fire Protection District. “Knowing and properly activating their emergency action plan had a profound impact on the life of a community member and we are honored to help celebrate this job well done.”
These six staff members were formally recognized at the February 25, 2019 Ballwin Board of Aldermen meeting in partnership with the Metro West Fire Protection District. Thank you to each of them for their efforts in this emergency situation. 


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