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2.1.18 Ballwin Employees Help Resident in Need


On Thursday, January 25, Ballwin resident Lois Murphy was driving to meet a friend when she noticed members of Ballwin Public Work's tree trimming crew working up ahead. As she attempted to turn around in a drive way she found her car instead stuck on an inlet and unable to move it in either direction. 

At this point, Lois got out of the car to see what could be done and concluded she'd have to call a tow truck. Instead, Ballwin employees John Lott, Shane Kelly, Andrew Noyes and Rob Viehmann jumped into action. 

Noyes was up in the bucket truck and spotted Lois' trouble. Crew leader John Lott instructed the team to hurry to the situation and help the woman. Together they quickly ensured Murphy was safe and then took action to get her back on the road.

"There was no way she was going to get that off by herself," Lott stated. Doing what any good Samaritans would do, the crew moved the car off the inlet preventing any harm to the woman, the car, or the inlet. 

"After seeing she was okay we thought hopefully this lady isn't going to have to call a wrecker to come out and get her car...Luckily we were able to get it off, and the car was perfectly intact so we could just send her on her way," said Viehmann.

Murphy said each of the men were incredibly kind, sweet, helpful and true gentlemen. "I wanted to buy them a pizza and some cokes, but they said no." 

Although the men never did accept her offer for pizza she was able to meet up with them again and thank them in person at Ballwin's Government Center. "I was amazed how friendly and how helpful people are here in Ballwin. It really is good to see people doing good things," said Murphy.  "These men were really nice, I think they deserve a big raise," she said with a smile.

On behalf of the City of Ballwin we'd like to thank Ms. Lois Murphy for taking the time to share her story and pass along her gratitude to the men who helped her. We'd also like to acknowledge the quick actions of John Lott, Shane Kelly, Andrew Noyes and Rob Viehmann. Their willingness to help a resident in need is not dissimilar to many stories we hear from employees throughout the City, but is certainly worth offering a sincere thank you. 

You can watch a video of the story on the Ballwin Public Work's Facebook Page.


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