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11.27.18 Board Meeting Recap

A Ballwin Board of Aldermen meeting was held on Monday, November 26, 2018 at 7 p.m. A few highlights from the meeting are below as selected by staff. Official meeting minutes will be posted upon approval after the next Board of Aldermen meeting.

Citizen’s Comments

  • A resident spoke to the board regarding backyard chickens in Ballwin.


  • Bill No. 4010, an ordinance amending the 2018 budget of cash revenue and disbursements, passed becoming ordinance 18-15. This follows a comprehensive review of anticipated revenues and expenses for the remainder of the year.
  • A resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an employee recruitment contract passed. This follows the announcement that City Administrator Hanson has resigned.
  • A resolution also passed authorizing the mayor to execute a contractual employment agreement in Hanson’s absence. Mayor Pogue stated Bob Kuntz will serve as interim city administrator during the search.

City Attorney’s Report

  • City Attorney Jones presented draft legislation in response to recent discussions about fire pits. If approved, the legislation would amend the code with respect to the definitions of “structure” and “accessory structure.” The board decided against pursuing legislation further.
  • Legislation was drafted due to changes in the court process. This draft ordinance would allow for the revision of municipal court costs schedule and authorize the execution of the Show-Me-Courts agreement. The board will vote on the legislation at a future meeting.
  • City Attorney Jones provided an update regarding a contract with Tanko. This is in regards to initiating contact and negotiating the acquisition of street lights from Ameren Missouri. More discussion will follow at later meetings.

The next Ballwin Board of Aldermen meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 10 at 7 p.m.

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