Archived Meeting Agendas

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Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Agenda click here


Meeting Minutes


April 4, 2011

The meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Michael Wind at 7:00 p.m.  Members in attendance were:
PRESENT                                                                ABSENT
Chairman Michael Wind                            Commissioner Sue Theodore
Secretary Frank Karr 
Commissioner Pat Apel 
Commissioner John Schwent 
Commissioner Mike Utt 
Commissioner Mark Weaver 
Commissioner Chris Wright 
Alderman Frank Fleming 
Mayor Tim Pogue  
Assistant City Administrator Thomas Aiken 
City Attorney Robert Jones  

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Secretary Karr and seconded by Commissioner Utt to approve the minutes of the March 7, 2011 meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission as submitted.  The motion received unan-imous approval from the Commission members present. 

Z 10-08 – Zoning Change (Add Manchester Road Revitalization Overlay Zoning)
 SUB 10-05 – Subdivision
 CAP Carpet Consolidation Sub., 14932-14940 Manchester Rd, Ballwin MO  63011
Petitioner:  Mr. Richard J. Bloomer, CAP Carpet Inc, 535 S. Emerson St., Wichita KS 67209

Mr. Steve Quigley of Clayton Engineering addressed the Commission on behalf of the petitioner, request-ing approval for the petitions.  Mr. Quigley said that the last time the petitioner came before the Planning & Zoning Commission, the main point of discussion was the cross access.  The petitioner has met with property owners on both sides of the proposed development as well as city staff.  Schrader Funeral Home is not interested in establishing a cross access connection.  The Iszaks, owners of the property to the east of the proposed development, are in agreement with cross access in concept and the petitioner is working out the details with them. 

Mr. Quigley said the main change to the site plan is the relocation of the access point to Manchester Road.  MoDOT suggested that the curb cut be moved 40’ to the east, to line up with the curb cut across the street.  This change created an awkward movement for tractor-trailers to come into and out of the property.  The petitioner compromised with MoDOT and moved the curb cut farther east to line up with a different curb cut across the street.  The buildings then were separated to allow easier maneuvering. 

Mr. Kevin Harms of Cornerstone Architects spoke about the changes in architecture.  He explained that the changes to the elevations are a result of attempting to lower the cost of the development.  The building heights have been lowered, resulting in substantial savings.  The same materials will be used in the con-struction of the buildings.  The parapet walls have also been reduced, and will be replaced with riptop screening. 

Commissioner Schwent asked if there was a change in the price of the land since the last time the peti-tioner was before the Planning & Zoning Commission.  The petitioner said no, and Commissioner Schwent said that the petitioner knew the price and was prepared to move forward with the plans that were presented at that time.  Mr. Harms said the site improvements drove the price up significantly. 

Mayor Pogue noted that the screening of the parapet wall has not been continued along the south edge. Chairman Wind asked if the screening is sufficient to hide the mechanical equipment from the ball park.  Mr. Quigley said that it is, because the ball park and fields sit so much lower than the site.  Chairman Wind asked about screening from Manchester Rd.  Mr. Harms said the screening will be six inches higher than the equipment.

Chairman Wind said the east side of the west building looks blank.  Can the petitioner make some low-cost architectural changes, such as recessed brickwork, to break up the blankness of the wall?  The peti-tioner said that a window can be placed at the corner.   Commissioner Schwent said the petitioner submit-ted decent elevation drawings in February; he is not impressed with the aesthetics of the new proposed building.  Mr. Rick Bloomer of CAP Carpet addressed the Commission, saying that they are doing the best they can to comply with the City’s requirements and stay within budget.

Mayor Pogue said he appreciates the petitioner’s efforts in meeting with staff and members of the Plan-ning & Zoning Commission.  Chairman Wind said the Commission isn’t trying to make it difficult for the petitioner.  The intent is to work with the petitioner, while following the City’s comprehensive plan and the Great Streets program for the entire Manchester Road corridor.  The site is located in a key portion for the City of Ballwin.  Chairman Wind said that he’s trying to eliminate blank walls in accordance with the city’s comprehensive plan, and enhance the aesthetics of the area.

Chairman Wind asked if the petitioner has gotten a response from MoDOT regarding the center curb cut.  Mr. Quigley said MoDOT is in agreement with it.  Chairman Wind asked if there are any issues regarding sidewalk reimbursement.  Mr. Quigley said there are no issues.  Chairman Wind asked if the petitioner is still agreeable to using LED lighting on the site.  Mr. Quigley said that it is his understanding that using the LED lighting is a suggestion rather than a requirement, but the petitioner will look into that as well as other low-energy options. City Planner Aiken said the review report also recommends that building-mounted lighting have a downward-facing characteristic instead of outward-facing.

Regarding the “silted in” noted storm sewer, Mr. Quigley said that the petitioner will pursue having it cleaned and inspected with MSD.  It is his understanding that it is a public sewer, and currently accepts water from the property.  By state law, it must continue to accept that stormwater.

Mr. Quigley said the petition review report recommends adding eight parallel parking spaces along the south edge of the drive.  He said the petitioner is agreeable to that.  Regarding the landscaping, City Plan-ner Aiken said that he doesn’t have a problem with the submitted plan as long as the petitioner meets the basic MRD requirements.  He said the back side of the site isn’t suited for a fence.  Chairman Wind asked for additional landscaping at the turnout area for semi trucks; Mayor Pogue asked if the turnout isn’t con-structed, that the petitioner agrees to provide landscaping to cover the area.  Mr. Quigley said that is rea-sonable.

Discussion was held regarding a crosswalk from the east building to the west building.

Chairman Wind noted that Schrader Funeral Home does a beautiful job with landscaping.  He suggested that the petitioner consider decorative plantings along the front of the site.  Commissioner Apel said that would serve to enhance recognition in the community. 

Chairman Wind opened the public hearing and asked there were any opponents who wished to speak in opposition to Petition Z 10-08.  There were none.  Chairman Wind asked if there were any proponents wishing to speak in favor of the petition.  There were none, and Chairman Wind declared the public hear-ing closed.

Secretary Karr made a motion to recommend approval of petition Z 10-08 to the Board of Aldermen, pro-vided the petitioner comply with the petition review report recommendations:  sidewalk reimbursement, site lighting specifications, resolution of the silted-in storm sewer with MSD, adequate screening of roof-top equipment, striping the parking area behind the west building, additional landscaping along the east side of the west building, irrigation of all landscaped areas, crosswalk between the two buildings, and additional landscaping on the turnout.  Mayor Pogue seconded the motion, which received unanimous approval from the Commission members present.

Secretary Karr made a motion to recommend approval of petition SUB 10-05 to the Board of Aldermen, provided the petitioner comply with the petition review report recommendations:  sidewalk reimburse-ment, site lighting specifications, resolution of the silted-in storm sewer with MSD, adequate screening of rooftop equipment, striping the parking area behind the west building, additional landscaping along the east side of the west building, irrigation of all landscaped areas, crosswalk between the two buildings, and additional landscaping on the turnout.  Mayor Pogue seconded the motion, which received unanimous approval from the Commission members present.

Great Streets Master Plan

City Planner Aiken said that once the Commission members have had a chance to review the plan and the maps, and there are no major issues or concerns, his plan is to make a formal presentation at the next Planning & Zoning Commission meeting and, if the Commission concurs, hold a public hearing at that time for consideration of adoption of the plan.   He said that while none of the other five cities involved have adopted the plan yet, both Ellisville and Manchester have already held their public hearings. 

Mr. Aiken said that Ballwin is fortunate in that its 2007 comprehensive plan touched on many of the is-sues that ended up in the Great Streets plan.  He said his recommendation is that the Planning & Zoning Commission would adopt the Great Streets plan as an addendum to the City’s comprehensive plan.  Mr. Aiken said that adoption of this document will carry a lot of weight when the City competes for grant funding on projects.

It was decided to hold the public hearing on the Great Streets Plan at the May 2, 2011 meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission.


A motion was made by Commissioner Apel and seconded by Secretary Karr to adjourn the meeting.  The motion received unanimous approval, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Michael Wind, Chairman
Planning & Zoning Commission