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Archived Meeting AgendasEvery effort is made to ensure that the Agendas and Minutes provided on this and subsequent pages is timely and correct; however, users should keep in mind that this information is provided only as a public convenience. In any case where legal reliance on information is required, the official records of the City of Ballwin should be consulted. Planning and Zoning Commission MeetingMeeting AgendaMeeting Minutes
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF BALLWIN – 300 PARK DRIVE June 2, 2003 The meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Michael Boland at 7:05 p.m. Members in attendance were: PRESENT ABSENT With the retirement of Jim Cox from the Planning & Zoning Commission, Mayor Jones, with the approval of the Board of Aldermen, appointed Michael Boland as the new chairman of the Commission. Mr. Boland was sworn in by Assistant City Administrator Thomas Aiken. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Commissioner Kadane and seconded by Mayor Jones to approve the Minutes of the May 5, 2003 meeting. The motion received unanimous approval by the members present. SUE03-5 – Special Use Exception – The Ladies of Lucerne Tearoom – 930 Kehrs Mill Road, Suite 302 – Mrs. Adrianne Ritter Chairman Boland declared the public hearing opened. Mrs. Adrianne Ritter read the vision statement of The Ladies of Lucerne Tearoom and provided a brief overview of the proposed development. A small gift and accessories shop will be a part of the tearoom. Hours of operation for the tearoom will be Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with occasional special events in the evenings such as book club meetings, themed events, and etiquette seminars. Hours for the gift shop will be the same as the tearoom, but will also be open on Mondays. They will be closed on Sunday. Seating will be available for 50 at one seating. Chairman Boland asked if there were any proponents to speak in favor of petition SUE03-5. There were none. Chairman Boland asked if there were any opponents to speak against petition SUE03-5. There were none. Chairman Boland then declared the public hearing closed. Commissioner Reisel made a motion to recommend that the Board of Aldermen approve petition SUE03-5 as presented. Commissioner Erwin seconded the motion. The motion received unanimous approval from the Commission members present. SPA03-1 – R-4 Site Plan Amendment – Village Park of Ballwin – 120-265 Steamboat Lane – Mr. Daniel Doyle Chairman Boland declared the public hearing opened. Mr. Daniel Doyle presented a proposal for carports on behalf of Village Park of Ballwin Apartments (formerly Mark Twain Village Apartments), as well as the elimination of a basketball court in favor of eleven parking spaces. Mr. Doyle passed out photographs of carports built on other properties owned by his company, and stated that the addition of the carports is only part of an extensive renovation program that is planned for the apartment community. The renovation plan to improve the property includes interior and exterior renovations, upgrades for all apartment units, new windows, roof repairs and replacements, landscaping where Steamboat Lane meets Manchester and Kehrs Mill, and a complete renovation of the existing clubhouse building. Commissioner Kadane asked whether any of the other planned improvements would require an amendment to the site plan. Mr. Doyle stated that they would not. Mayor Jones asked if signs would be posted signifying that the carport parking was for residents, and whether the Ballwin Police Department would be expected to assist in enforcing the signs. Mr. Doyle stated that enforcing the signs would be solely the responsibility of the property manager. Commissioner Erwin expressed concern about the elimination of the basketball court for the parking spaces. Mr. Doyle stated that removing the basketball court would not be taking away any recreation amenities, as they are replacing it with a playground and a sand volleyball court. Commissioner Kadane asked about the materials and style of construction that will be used for the carports, and asked City Planner Aiken whether the type of architecture was part of the site plan amendment. Mr. Aiken stated that the City of Ballwin has no architectural standards in the R-4 district. This petition is for a site plan amendment. Chairman Boland asked Mr. Doyle if his company, by making these renovations, was looking to change the target market for Village Park of Ballwin. Mr. Doyle stated that the target market for this property is a first- or second-time renter; recent college graduates who are seeking their first home. Mr. Doyle said his company has found that the typical Village Park renter wants the interior finishes and amenities normally found in new construction, but at a lower price. Chairman Boland asked if there were any proponents to speak in favor of petition SPA03-1. There were none. Chairman Boland asked if there were any opponents to speak against petition SPA03-1. There were none. Chairman Boland then declared the public hearing closed. Commissioner Eichenauer made a motion to recommend that the Board of Aldermen approve petition SPA03-1 as presented. Commissioner Underwood seconded the motion. The motion received unanimous approval from the Commission members present. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Eichenauer and seconded by Commissioner Erwin to adjourn the meeting. The motion received unanimous approval. The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. Michael Boland, Chairman LB |
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