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Archived Meeting AgendasEvery effort is made to ensure that the Agendas and Minutes provided on this and subsequent pages is timely and correct; however, users should keep in mind that this information is provided only as a public convenience. In any case where legal reliance on information is required, the official records of the City of Ballwin should be consulted. Planning and Zoning Commission MeetingMeeting AgendaMeeting MinutesRECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING August 6, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS The meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Michael Wind at 7:03 p.m. Members in attendance were: PRESENT ABSENT Approval of Minutes A motion was made by Commissioner Karr and seconded by Commissioner Heath to approve the minutes of the July 2, 2007 meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission as submitted. The motion received unanimous approval from the members present. Chairman Wind expressed his appreciation to Michael Boland for his service to the Planning & Zoning Commission over the last few years. SUE 07-5 – Special Use Exception Site Development Plan Amendment Petition Mr. Chris Chiodini of Chiodini & Associates Architects presented the petition to the Commission. He briefly described the scope of the project. The showroom will be enlarged, as will the service department entrance, to conform to General Motors criteria. Commissioner Karr asked if the petitioner has an elevation drawing that shows what the remodel will look like. Mr. Chiodini said that he does not have anything at this time. They are seeking approval for the site plan before proceeding with final drawings. Mr. Karr asked if the petitioner had received the petition review report. Mr. Chiodini said the report had been received and the petitioner had subsequently met with Planning Director Tom Aiken regarding the report. Chairman Wind asked Mr. Chiodini if he was prepared to address the concerns raised in the report. Mr. Chiodini said that the appropriateness of the relocation of the entry to align with Steamboat Lane was the biggest concern. The petitioner met with Crawford Bunte Brammeier (CBB), and verified with MoDot that the relocation would be approved. Planning Director Aiken said that he provided the Commission with a letter that he received late in the day from CBB reflecting their communication with MoDot. Mr. Aiken said he has not spoken directly with MoDot, but it would be consistent with their practices. Chairman Wind asked if the City would normally receive written approval from MoDot in this type of situation. Mr. Aiken said that the City would never allow a project with a curb cut on a state highway without MoDot’s written approval. Commissioner Hunter asked if alternate exits from the site can be emphasized. Mr. Chiodini said that access to Old Ballwin Road is left open at all times. He said that is where the transport trucks enter the site. He said the relocation of the curb cut on Manchester Road will allow them to better define new car parking vs. customer parking, as well as access and circulation through the site. Mayor Young asked why access to Old Ballwin Road needs to be emphasized. Alderman Suozzi and Chairman Wind responded, saying that Old Ballwin Road could carry southbound traffic as well as route traffic to New Ballwin Road to the stoplight for left-hand turns. Mayor Young suggested asking MoDot about the feasibility of a traffic light at the intersection of Steamboat and the new curb cut. Commissioner Heath suggested that the relocated curb cut be a right-in/right-out. Mr. Chiodini said that this is ELCO’s primary access. A right-in/right-out configuration would not be suitable for business. Commissioner Karr asked about the timeline for the project. Mr. Chiodini said that the petitioner would like to have in completed in the spring of 2008. Commissioner Hunter asked about the landscaping concerns raised in the petition review report. Mr. Chiodini said that the landscape plan for the front of the building has been clarified and resubmitted. He said the petitioner intends to relandscape the entire front of the dealership to present a better image. Chairman Wind asked if the petitioner is willing to provide privacy vegetation that is required under the code. Mr. Chiodini said the petitioner is willing to provide the required vegetation. Commissioner Wind confirmed with Mr. Chiodini that the petitioner will comply with ADA standards regarding handicapped parking. Chairman Wind also said he would like to see some improvements to the used car building. Mr. Chiodini said the petitioner wants a signature building from the curb for the main dealership that will tie in the façade design of the used car building. Chairman Wind asked about the resolution regarding moratoriums on new construction or expansion of car dealerships, and whether that is an issue to be dealt with by the Board of Aldermen. City Attorney Jones said the the Planning & Zoning Commission should base its decision on the merits of this particular petition. The moratorium will be addressed by the Board of Aldermen. Chairman Wind opened the public hearing and asked if there were any proponents wishing to speak in favor of petition SUE 07-5. There were none. Chairman Wind then asked if there were any opponents wishing to speak against the petition. There were none, and Chairman Wind closed the public hearing. Commissioner Heath asked if a copy of the deeds for 117 and 119 Ramsey Lane have been received. The petitioner said the documents will be faxed to the City tomorrow (August 7, 2007). City Attorney Jones said that the ordinance will require compliance with the petition review report, and Planning Director Aiken said the approval of all other agencies with jurisdiction will be required before the petitioner is allowed to proceed. This should not be a stumbling block for making a decision on this petition. Commissioner Karr asked about the number of vehicles required/allowed on the dealership lot. Planning Director Aiken said that their special use exception site plan stipulates the number of parking spaces for the site. Commissioner Hunter made a motion to recommend approval of Petition Z 07-5 to the Board of Aldermen, contingent upon all petition review report issues being met, MoDot approval, and similar architecture for the main and used car sales buildings. Commissioner Karr seconded the motion, which received unanimous approval from the Commission members present. Review of Items Sent to the Board of Aldermen Mr. Aiken went over the status of all petitions on the petition status matrix that had changed since the last meeting. Chairman Wind asked about the status of the Holy Infant parking lot. Planning Director Aiken said he has not received anything from them for a long time. Mr. Wind asked if there is a standard timeframe by which they would have to resubmit their petition. Mr. Aiken said that there isn’t a time limit per se. Adjournment A motion was made by Commissioner Heath and seconded by Commissioner Karr to adjourn the meeting. The motion received unanimous approval from the members present. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Michael Wind, Chairman |
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